ker, also rushed to the “T” intersection, looked around, and then chased in the direction where Alice was running.


ker, also rushed to the “T” intersection, looked around, and then chased in the direction where Alice was running.
By coincidence, Alice ran all the way and came to the “experimental area”. Finally, she seemed to be tired from running, not physically. She kicked open a thick metal gate, entered the narrow corridor, and stopped running. Instead, he fell against the smooth wall, bent his knees, grabbed his hair with his hands, and sobbed softly.
As she sobbed, Alice’s “cross-dressing” gradually faded away, and she huddled naked and cried. In the narrow corridor, low but sad cries echoed.
Claire caught up and heard Alice crying, wondering what happened to make the strong Alice cry so sadly! LJ also caught up, but when he saw Alice’s naked body, he opened his eyes exaggeratedly, then covered his eyes, “Leave it to you.” After saying that, he retreated out of the aisle, “But I hope that guy in Lyon won’t kill me. But I have a really good figure.” This optimistic black man didn’t seem to know what it felt like to be sad.
“Alice” Claire called softly.
“Don’t come here!” Alice screamed, “Stay away from me! Go away! Leave me alone!”
/“Who will be the next person you kill?”
Yin Kuang’s words were like a nightmare The same thing echoed in Alice’s mind. She was in pain, she was afraid, and she wished everyone could stay away from her, as far away as possible. As long as you stay away from her, you won’t be hurt by her.
“Who am I?! Why do I exist!? Is the meaning of my existence just to bring destruction to everyone?!!”
With this thought in mind, Alice squirmed away from Claire while loudly driving Claire away. .
“What happened!? Alice, please calm down. I won’t go over, so we can just talk like this, okay?” Claire tried her best to stabilize Alice’s mood. But she obviously couldn’t imagine how much of a blow the previous experience had brought to Alice.
Alice has always regarded the Umbrella Company and Wesker as her biggest enemies, the masterminds behind the biochemical crisis. It is they who make themselves less human and less like ghosts. It was them who directed this tragedy of the century!
Don’t think that Alice will be so excited that she can’t sleep after fused with the TG virus and gained powerful powers, and then use these superpowers to kill everyone, establish a certain powerful organization and become famous. On the contrary, she hated it! She hated what the Umbrella Company had brought to her and to the world. While collecting evidence to protect the company and take revenge on the company, she is also working hard to help everyone and give them hope of survival. Even in order to protect the people around her from being implicated by the Umbrella Company, she was willing to separate from them and travel alone. After all, even if Alice gains powerful power, she is still an ordinary person, with flesh and blood, a person who loves and hates. She is deeply influenced by American personal heroism and uses her own power to save others.
/It can be said that what supports Alice’s survival is to u

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