police station at such a young age?” “A


police station at such a young age?” “A
conspiracy, how is it possible?”
“How is it impossible, my internship unit There are a few people in total, and they are engaging in office politics.”
Many people have misunderstandings about government departments. This has something to do with the tense relationship between cadres and the masses, spreading rumors and spreading rumors to make money.
Han Bo patiently explained: “There are many grassroots cadres but few positions. Including the ‘Seven Stations and Eight Institutes’ and other public institutions, there are two to three hundred people in large towns, more than one hundred in small towns, and only four or five at the department level. , there are more than ten deputy section levels, and most people will not be able to reach the deputy section level until they retire. Promotion is far away for ordinary people, but it is also far away for grassroots cadres. Nowadays, we advocate younger cadres and require cadres to have academic qualifications. Most of the main and deputy subjects are airborne, and they are older. Local cadres with no academic qualifications have no chance of promotion at all. If they don’t have the opportunity, they don’t have to fight for it. There is no guarantee of salary and no hope of promotion, and it is equally difficult to transfer. Some people either don’t fight for it, or they don’t even do their jobs well. They occupy their positions peacefully and are busy. Just pretending to be busy, living tiredly, and whether you can work or not depends on whether the secretary stares or not. How can there be any intrigue.” It was
completely different from what he imagined. Li Xiaolei thought about it and asked curiously: “Where is the Public Security Bureau? Is there anyone here who is jealous of you?”
“I am in a special situation. I took office alone. There was no police station before. You can say that I built this police station. It is far away from the county seat and I have to handle thankless anti-trafficking cases. No one is jealous. No one is fighting for it.”
After changing into casual clothes and leaving the unit, Han Bo didn’t want to talk about work anymore. He changed the subject and asked with a smile: “Xiaolei, how do you feel about my father, mother, and sister?”
“How should I put it, I I feel like I’ve been abducted.”
Li Xiaolei stretched out her hand and pinched his arm, gnashing her teeth and complaining: “You said your father was a carpenter, and brought a few apprentices from house to house to do renovations for people. It turned out that he was the boss of the company. The boss, who is called a big brother, rides in a car, has five or six assistant managers, and hundreds of workers. What do you mean by keeping it secret from me?” ”
/He, he is a carpenter and a decoration person. The company will be opened in the second half of the year. , The mobile phone was bought in the second half of the year, and the car was not bought, but the special prize in the sports lottery.”
“Can you make so muc

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