was provoked by Zhu Peng’s destructive sword intention, just like As if the old liger would never allow the majesty of the beast king to be violated by the jackal, the sword energy that had almost collapsed suddenly condensed and launched a ferocious impact against Zhu Peng’s destructive sword intent.


Along with this terrifying and extremely pure sword intent, Zhu Peng seemed to see a beautiful woman in green clothes with fluttering robes clinging to a slender bamboo branch in the void? He stabbed himself with a sword.
His clothes were fluttering, his green clothes were slender, and he was holding only the most ordinary green bamboo, but he rushed into the palace with all his strength. One person, one bamboo, and two thousand iron armors could not stop him!
A man, a piece of bamboo, entered the palace for the one he loved, but two thousand iron armors couldn’t stop him!
I am not asking you to follow me, I just want to ask with tears in my eyes: “Have you ever loved me? Even if it was only for a moment.”
“Wow!” Chu Tianji saw that he had just entered the state of enlightenment in his cultivation. Zhu Peng, who was in excellent progress, suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood after a flash of green light in his right heart. That was not all. There were several large acupuncture points all over his body. It exploded, shooting out streaks of sharp blue-white sword light, which exploded in an instant. There were dozens or hundreds of them, and hundreds of slender blood fountains were brought out on Zhu Peng’s upper body. If it weren’t for Zhu Peng’s own His cultivation is extremely exquisite, and at this moment, he may have been directly exploded by the sharp sword energy.
/“Tianji, the leader of Zi Zaitian is indeed powerful, and the Yue Girl Sword is indeed worthy of its reputation.”
Chapter 829: The blackened demonic sword intention, Yue Nu kills
/Intense emotions temper the will, and deep love and hate crush the spirit. Although in the eyes of the outside world, it may only be a very short moment, from a spiritual and thinking perspective, Zhu Peng has spent hundreds of thousands of years.
When a human being talks about the word “speed”, normally the fastest thing is his thoughts. He is just the most ordinary mortal. He may also spend decades quickly in a dream, and when he wakes up, But I was shocked to find that in real life, I only spent a mere moment. The most representative example is: “A dream comes from a dream, but the yellow beam is not yet ripe.”
Although it is not obvious, in fact, the violent exercise of mental thinking is far more consuming than the violent exercise of the body. For a mortal, Nanke’s dream for twenty years is already at its relative limit. If he continues to dream any longer, his body will not be able to bear it. As a cultivator, Moreover, Zhu Peng’s body, spirit and other aspects are thousands of times stronger than ordinary people, but even so, after his thinking speed is far faster than the normal speed of the body, Zhu Peng’s body and will are still thousands of times over time.

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