en if it is just a little bit, that level of power is enough for Zhu Peng to be reborn.


“It’s a good time.” He thought in his heart, silently calculating, looking at the bloody figures coming to kill him, Zhu Peng slightly licked his dry lips. He was just not used to the strange environment of the “Blood Prison Battlefield”, and accidentally He licked up all the red blood that flowed from his bitten lip.
If Zhu Peng, who had lowered his head during the conversation just now, still showed a little fear and cowardice, then when he raised his head now and knew life and death clearly, he was like a bloodthirsty lone wolf in the wilderness, ferocious, Greed and cruelty, the meaning of these three words, were perfectly expressed in his slightly red eyes.
/Standing straight forward, holding the short sword behind his back with his right hand, Zhu Peng’s figure swayed, and the next moment, like lightning, he reached the side of the blood-clothed young man, raised the knife in his right hand, and slashed straight towards the young man’s face. Sore throat.
“Hold the sword backwards, and slash backwards with the hidden sword?” Seeing Zhu Peng’s strange striking posture, a familiar thought naturally emerged from the memory of Xue Yi’s thousands of years of killing, and he hid the sharp edge of the short sword in his forearm. Below, in close combat, ordinary enemies cannot see the weapons in his hands and only think that he is hitting with his elbows and forearms.
Although simple, it is very practical and has a very confusing effect of changing reality and reality. If you are an ordinary physical practitioner with little experience in killing, and you are suddenly attacked by Zhu Peng in such a close combat, and you are confused and grab it with normal methods or knock it with your own arms, then The end will undoubtedly be miserable, and you will suffer immediately!
“Isn’t it a little funny to kill me with such a low-level physical monk’s close combat?” Even in the fierce fight, Xueyi still had time to express such thoughts. Of course he was relaxed, no matter whether he won or lost. There is no pressure on him at all. After winning, he invades Zhu Peng’s soul body, and then he casts a spell to preach to Blood Soul Ridge. He can directly gain great advantages in future inheritance and battles, and even seize some things on the earth and planet that he can only dream of outside the territory. treasure.
/If it fails, it is a good thing. It means that there are truly outstanding talents among the descendants of the lower world. Under the influence of the blood prison battlefield, this ray of soul is absorbed by the blood descendants. In the future, he will not have to worry about all kinds of things on his own. He can directly When various tasks are released outside the territory, the descendants of the lower world will inevitably complete them for themselves if they are driven by sufficient interests. It saves worry and effort and is affordable. At the same time, it also takes care of the descendants of blood relatives. Is th

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