

“These Beichu spies are really extremely arrogant. I want to see how many secrets they have to consume!”
At this time, in the black-clothed guard yamen, the acting commander of the black-clothed guards, Zhao Hu, had a stern face. Under his command were the deputy generals of the black-clothed guards whose bodies were like an oven.
These are some high-level martial arts masters who have achieved the status of heaven and man.
After a roar, Zhao Huyou glanced at all the deputy generals with cold eyes and said coldly.
“Your Majesty strictly orders that anyone who inquires about the Imperial City will be arrested immediately. As for the explanation, let him explain it in the Tianlao Prison!”
There was a stern smile in Zhao Hu’s eyes, and this ‘ferocious tiger’ seemed to be showing its ferocious fangs.
“Subordinates, please obey your orders!”
Many lieutenants lowered their heads at this time.
Although he said this, Zhao Hu’s heart was tightened. Not only were the espionage activities of many vassal kings outside Haojing City intensified, but in Dingyuan County, the Northern Chu army was also under the control of Taishi Tuoba Zhenwu. After mobilization, the army pressed on the border.
If something unexpected happened to Emperor Jingwu, it would probably be a catastrophic disaster.
After all, Daqian has not yet established a country.
The queen in the middle palace has nothing to do.
If something happens at this time, Daqian may face internal and external difficulties.
/But at this moment, a group of black-clad guards came in a hurry outside the Black Guards Office, bringing great good news at the same time.
The emperor appeared in Jingtai Hall, safe and sound.
After hearing this, Zhao Hu slowly breathed a sigh of relief after a long time. Daqian had passed another dangerous level.
With the recovery of Emperor Jingwu, the purple stars in the sky once again bloomed with brilliance, and the sun reached the sky. These strange signs also made many accomplished immortal cultivators feel the changes in the situation.
After all, the emperor is still full of energy.
In the Jingtai Hall, the emperor was wearing a dragon robe. Before he returned to the Imperial Palace for the first time since Xun Yue, Liang Shiwu was waiting carefully beside him. However, even though Emperor Jingwu had recovered, Liang Shiwu looked clearly older, and there was actually an appearance beside his hair. A wisp of gray appeared.
The spirit is quite full.
The emperor sipped the health-preserving porridge in small sips, his eyes still sharp, looking at the mountains of memorials in front of him, he sighed.
/“After all, I will be indispensable for Daqian!”
Liang Shiwu lowered his head and said: “Your Majesty is wise and decisive. Many civil and military ministers in the court know that your Majesty is the king of resurgence that I have not seen in a hundred years. It is natural that your Majesty’s decision-making is indispensable in this great cadre!”
The emperor pointed at Liang Shiwu and scolded with a smile: “You old guy only pic

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