fortunately, even if he took the first step, the power of his swordsmanship was not at the same level!


With the same swordsmanship, the stronger one can defeat him!
/Feifeng Sword jumped suddenly, and a larger sword formation appeared, completely surrounding Wang Meng’s one.
Although Yang Ying’s Bai Feng came later, a larger Biluo Huangquan Formation completely locked the little one.
The two people’s mental pull, the competition at this time is all about swordsmanship, and the outcome will directly affect the heart!
This is another dangerous contest.
Yang Ying’s phoenix dances in the nine heavens and the blue falls in the yellow spring complete the integration, another perfect display.
Many people sigh with regret. Really, it is just a little bit short of a miracle. This little bit is still on the sword. It is really a pity.
Only two people still had such solemn expressions, Jing Yanyun and Yang Ying.
Yang Ying knew very well that her Biluo Huangquan did not control the opponent at all, and even
Wang Meng’s white phoenix did not merge into Biluo Huangquan, but instead absorbed the power of Biluo Huangquan.
Suddenly spread its wings, and a dazzling white light burst out
There seemed to be a mighty roar in my ears, and my ears suddenly buzzed, and I couldn’t hear anything.
When everything calmed down, it seemed like it was over.
Yang Ying stared blankly at the sword in her hand. Had she practiced in vain all these years? Was everything wrong?
What a miserable loss
The real Fengwu Jiutian Biluo Huangquan sword technique is actually the combination of two types of Five Elements. Fengwu Jiutian is the water of the five elements, and Biluo Huangquan is the soil of the five elements. Water and soil are the relationship between each other. This set of sword techniques is ever-changing, and the combination of water and soil can explode. Strength is the secret of swordsmanship.
Yang Ying has only learned the surface of swordsmanship, this is the true meaning.
In fact, Wang Meng also lamented in his heart that the Small Thousand World has really changed a lot in the past hundreds of years, that is, the level of vitality is too low, coupled with the cruel laws of nature, it is impossible to go up. If the Small Thousand World and the Big Thousand World are replaced, It’s hard to say which one is strong and which one is weak.
Yang Ying is actually very good. She has already mastered the form of swordsmanship, and the next step is the true meaning.
Everyone looked at Jing Yanyun blankly, because most of the disciples didn’t know what happened.
Jing Yanyun sighed, “The King of Lei Guangtang is fiercely victorious.”
This blow was too heavy for Yang Ying, who had high self-esteem, but there was really nothing she could do about it. Even the elders were helpless when it came to the use of the power of the Five Elements.
Mingren knows best that Yang Ying is not the first person to be hit.
Yang Ying gritted her teeth tightly. She was not afraid of losing, and it was not the first time she ha

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