s bloomed. The sharp sword power bloomed, as dazzling as the scorching sun. The murderous aura instantly trapped the evil dragon into the sword formation.


The wind rises and the sword falls.
The four hundred-meter giant swords staggered and chopped down, easily breaking through the evil aura of the black cloud with a devastating force, and crashed into the evil dragon’s body with a roar.
The sword light came and went even faster, making a few crackling sounds and collapsing out of shape.
“Ho ho ho”
Shocking sound waves swept away in all directions, and the black light filled the formation. The black light that escaped was very strange, like smoke and fog, and it made people lose their minds when looking from a distance.
Seeing this, the four sword cultivators withdrew from the formation and turned around to run away in all directions. Unfortunately, it was too late. The feeling of palpitations and horror suddenly hit their hearts, and the nightmare was hard to shake off.
They had a long, long dream. In the dream, countless terrifying inner demons bared their teeth and claws, and rushed towards them with strange laughter.
With the sword in hand, Slaughter’s inner demon could not get close, but soon, the inner demon lying everywhere with corpses became the person closest to them.
Taoist friends, relatives and friends are killed with their hands, and the evil thoughts in their hearts are defeated by another three points
The dream was very long, but the reality was very short. The four sword cultivators had empty eyes and stood there in a daze, looking very similar to the demon cultivator brothers before.
A black storm rolled in, and the four sword cultivators were swallowed into the mouths by the evil dragon one after another.
“Fellow Taoists, please know that if your lips are cold and your teeth are dying, how long will you have to wait!”
Seeing that the evil dragon could easily control the evil spirit and attract demonic thoughts, the Xun Yus could not sit still. Several magic cultivators summoned thunder to defeat the spreading black mist, and some magic cultivators with strange methods drove machine puppets to fight against the evil dragon.
/The world shrouded in red light boiled for an instant.
A man with powerful magic power stood above the sea of ??blood with his hands open, summoning a stream of fire and rain, riding the strong wind to sweep and scatter, the fire spread and burned, and ignited the vast land of bones in a few breaths.
Without a hiding place, the monks were unwilling to work together. At this moment, they could only work together, raising their magic weapons and using various methods to greet the evil dragon.
of course there are exceptions.
Lu Bei took She Zhang to escape into the sea of ??blood. With a stroke of his Xiantian realm cultivation, he opened a passage in the blood wave. The two of them worked together to find the location of the teleportation array.
The cold air in the depths of the blood sea seriously interfered with perception. The deeper he dived, the louder the w

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