seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage.


And the wolf’s eyes looked further to the side.
Chu Weiyang, who was standing quietly next to the ink jade cloud bed, was actually holding a jade firework in one hand at this time. In the firework, the five poisons mixed color fine gold, the supreme treasure of the poison path, was smelted, and accompanied by The treasure material melted little by little, and what was also being cast and calcined were the slender bone needles.
The bone needle itself also exudes a poisonous cold light. It is the poisonous essence that Chu Weiyang collected from the bodies of those poisonous monster beasts in the past!
And when the five-poison mixed-color fine gold was smelted and further cast on the poisonous bone needle, the long needles that continuously swirled with dark five-color auras were the same as those that had been pierced on the body of the beast earlier.
When he looked carefully, he saw that when the two kinds of precious materials were smelted into one, Chu Weiyang was successively driven into the extremely complicated Five Elements Poison Path and the talisman seals that performed the true form of spirits. They were already completely finished poison needles. There are more than a hundred roots hanging on Chu Weiyang’s side.
Just looking at the cold light at the tips of the needles, the animal’s soul was trembling uncontrollably.
“Senior! Senior Five Poisons! I will tell you everything! As long as it is something I know, I will tell you everything! I don’t ask for my life! I just ask for a happy life!”
When he heard this, Chu Weiyang looked at the beast in surprise.
At this time, it was the last layer of fine gold that was smelted and applied to the slender bone needles.
Everything seemed to be ready at this moment. When he turned his hand again, Chu Weiyang held a jade bottle between his knuckles. The blood inside was filled with light, showing a different kind of demonic power.
“Explain? What kind of explanation? Or do you think that you are smart enough to know that I can’t detect or guess the things that you know? I don’t need to ask anything, because smart people will only do it one after another. I don’t need to ask you if I take action blindly. Maybe it won’t take much effort, and these fools will jump out on their own!
As for you, you have no other use, no great use! ”
At this time, the more Chu Weiyang spoke like this, the more unspeakable fear he felt in his mind.
/But he was already a piece of meat on the chopping block. Fear could only inspire endless regret in his heart, but this regret could not turn back time, nor could it make him escape from this ghost cave.
Even because he was increasingly losing control of his physical body, it was even difficult for him to close his eyes tightly.
As a result, Chu Weiyang could directly see the eyes that became desperate due to fear and regret. It was just a look that made Chu Weiyang dream back to the Devil’s Cave.
He can even clearly determine the state of mind of the person in front of him at this time,

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