t a young man with amazing talents, he is qualified to compete with me!”


Lord Xinzun shouted loudly, soared into the sky with his body wrapped in chains, his hands clenched into fists, and he waved an extremely powerful dark storm in mid-air.
Amidst the strong wind, black clones rushed out like raindrops.
Looking from afar, the mountains are shaking, and the strong winds burst out thousands of black dots and raindrops, quickly flooding this world like a tsunami.
Yinglong draws four images around him, and the golden-winged roc is in the center, looking forward to the divine flight. The golden light is bright, and a long roar sways the five colors intertwined.
In an instant, brilliant brilliance filled the sky and the earth, and a thick beam of light penetrated the earth and rose into the sky.
Boom! ! !
The sky and the earth changed color, and black and white retreated, but there was thunder in the sky thousands of miles away, and a five-color intertwined light column discharged thousands of hectares of smoke and dust, and fell dullly like a mountain.
Five Elements and Five Symbols!
The pure power of the five elements seemed to gain weight at this moment, and the majestic momentum flowed in all directions. When it reached the top of Xin Zunjun’s head, it had already covered the sky and blocked the sun, filling it with boundless bright light.
Lord Xinzun let out a low roar, and black mist burned around his body. His flesh and blood body turned to the black magic flames, he raised his arms across his arms, and shot out a wave of magic power like the sea with one palm.
An earth-shattering collision erupted, and the ripples were like a world-destroying frenzy, sweeping down in all directions and rolling across the world.
When the hurricane passed by, the sky was three feet high.
Visible to the naked eye, the impact dust and smoke expanded rapidly, and countless vegetation was uprooted. The nearby mountains and rivers were flattened, and the farther ones either fell over and broke, or groaned under the weight, and there was a possibility of collapse at any time.
At the center of the battle, the five-colored light disappeared together with the dark sea.
/Lord Xin Zun clasped his five fingers tightly, pressing down on the giant beak of the golden-winged roc like an iron pincer. The gaps between his five fingers closed together, and cracks opened in the golden eagle’s beak.
The ferocious light of the golden god’s eyes skyrocketed, and a scorching white light beam erupted all over his body. The Immortal Sword Intent gathered the innate energy, and when it fluttered its wings and struck, it was like an indestructible giant sword, pressing down on Lord Xin Zun as he fell into the sky.
Lord Xinzun stepped on the ground with his feet, and with a flash of red light in his eyes, the land of thousands of miles of ruins turned to the diamond rock.
/The sword intent shattered the body, and an eagle’s beak pecked open a strip of flesh and blood in the palm of the hand. Countless ox-hair fine lights cut down in turn

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