erjoyed. He took out a bottle and threw it on the ground. Then his figure flashed and disappeared in a corner.


The black bottle flipped several times in the air and hit the rocky ground. The bottle suddenly shattered and a black mist filled the air.
“What is it?” Someone saw the black mist and couldn’t help but exclaimed.
Those who were close to the black mist were not so lucky. They directly inhaled the black mist, and instantly, their eyes turned blood red.
Their consciousness disappeared with the erosion of the black mist, replaced by beast-like instincts.
They roared lowly and rushed towards the panicked people beside them with blood-red eyes.
Someone was thrown to the ground before they could react. With a scream, a wound was bitten open on his neck, and blood continued to flow from the wound.
/However, the blood from the wound soon became darker and darker. The man got up from the ground, let out a roar, and chased the frightened person running next to him.
Soon, the whole town was in chaos, and people kept turning into blood-red eyes because of being bitten.
The ‘Starship’ descended. Captain Marquis and twenty-six knights got off the ‘Starship’. What they saw was a chaotic scene.
“It’s zombie poison, kill everyone with red eyes!” Captain Marquis knew what was going on and immediately ordered.
People infected with zombie poison are not completely hopeless, but with the abilities of knights like them, there is no way to cure them unless they knock out all the people infected with zombie poison and then send them to a temple with an Earth Knight-level priest. , there may be hope for recovery.
But these knights came to kill the followers of the evil god, how could they go back now?
Besides, it is impossible for the city lord’s palace to consume precious medicines just for some civilians, so the best way is to kill the people who are poisoned by the zombie poison.
The knights didn’t waste any time. They immediately put on their armor and took out their weapons, got on their horses, and rushed towards a poisoned man with blood-red eyes who was chasing an ordinary person.
Originally, with the strength of twenty-six knights, it was very simple to kill some poisoned people.
/But the number of poisoned people is very large, and it seems that they are still being generated.
More than thirty poisoned people have been killed, but the number of people with blood-red eyes in the market has not decreased, but is increasing.
“Divide into two combat teams and inspect the market to find the followers of the evil god!” Captain Marquis ordered in a deep voice.
Two six-person groups immediately rode off in two directions. The twelve knights in these two six-person groups were the twelve stronger ones among the twenty-six knights.
They no longer care about the poisoned person with blood-red eyes, but look for the original author.
After a group of knights rode through an alley, a hooded head stuck out of the alley.
This is the believer of the God of Shadows. His mission today is to hold back these knights so that

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