
Liu Yuewang would say that An Nuan was dreaming, and that she still fantasized about continuing to grow even when she was older. Liu Yuewang thought that there was nothing she could do except fill it up.
All in all, after Liu Yuewang saw Bai Hui outside the door, he quickly retrieved the memory from his mind and recognized that Bai Hui was An Nuan’s classmate.
“It’s over, it’s over, I was seen by that Bai Fen.” Liu Yuewang grabbed Liu Changan’s arm, extremely nervous, as if Liu Changan was the only Bodhisattva who could save her.
/“If you saw it, you saw it. As long as you recover from what happened to you, everything will be fine. Even if the photos are released, some people will think it is just a beauty effect.” Liu Changan was not in a hurry, “On a large scale Spreading and forming public opinion is a kind of pressure and will bring trouble. If it is seen by one or two people, there is no problem.”
“No problem?” Liu Yuewang also wanted to believe it, but he was unsure.
“For example, many people in this world have seen incredible and mysterious phenomena. For example, water monsters that resemble legendary beasts in large rivers and swamps, such as islands with waterfalls hanging in the sky and rapids flowing down to connect to the mainland, and bustling cities with human beings living under the sea. , for example, a giant whale swimming in the desert with its whole body emitting dazzling light like the sun. Many people saw it, and it caused a sensation for a while. But what happened afterwards? Scientists came out to refute the rumors, and various folk legends and explanations were ultimately ignored. You’re serious.” Liu Changan said disapprovingly.
“Why are these things causing such a sensation?” Professor Ling looked confused. She also spends a lot of time online, and usually looks at all kinds of new and interesting things on social media at home and abroad.
She had never heard of anything Liu Changan said. What kind of island in the sky? Underwater city? Desert whale? Water monster?
Did he regard the stories in fantasy novels as current news?
It also caused a sensation! Was it sensational when you were dreaming?
“That’s right.” Liu Yuewang nodded.
“What is it?” Professor Ling saw that she was actually convinced and couldn’t help but worry about Liu Yuewang, “Has your brain shrunk too?”
“The important thing is, it really doesn’t matter. Bai Hui’s brain is about the same as Professor Liu’s. Except for her extraordinary talent in digging up gossip, her brain is not very good in other areas.” Liu Changan waved his hand, “Don’t worry about her, she is probably I’m already thinking wildly outside, probably all about the relationship between men and women, and I won’t doubt that you guys have transformed.”
“You said I’m not very smart?” Liu Yuewang let go of Liu Changan’s arm and glared at Liu Changan.
“I said you are not very smart right now.” Liu Changan explained.
“He said you were affected by the transformation.” Professor Ling hurriedly tried to persuade him, “Chang’an, don’t be too di

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