mured: “We can still save them, we can still save them.”


Suddenly, the rich light in front pierced the sea of ??chaos and shone on his face. The smile on Kui Gang’s face froze. It was the brilliant light formed by the disciples of the Dao Alliance who used their magical powers on Xu Ying and Wen Nanxun.
/The light shone as if the Qi of Chaos did not exist. Every fairy palace, every fairy ship, every magic weapon, and even the people in these fairy palaces, fairy ships, and magic weapons are clearly visible, as if they are full of artistic conception like a black and white picture scroll.
The only colors in this chaotic sea are Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun, and a big bell.
Wen Nanxun’s red dress looks extremely eye-catching in this black and white picture.
Suddenly, Kui Gang felt that his Tao power was receding rapidly, and his expression changed drastically, and he said loudly: “Fellow Taoist Xu, please be merciful! You are a big shot, why do you need to haggle with the juniors?”
His voice suddenly faded, unable to reach the Immortal Palace, and was swallowed up by the energy of chaos.
Kui Gang’s expression was dull, and he saw immortal temples, ships, and magic weapons, all of which suddenly lost all their power.
The Immortal Palace was crushed and twisted by the power of the Chaos Sea, like paper that had been crumpled into a ball. The Immortal Ship curled up like a twist, and then became shriveled again, and the powerful magic weapons were also lost at this moment. All powers are distorted and deformed!
Those Dao Alliance disciples suddenly exploded one by one, like paint exploding in the sea water, dyeing the surrounding sea of ??chaos red.
But then, the blood color returned to chaos.
Some of the more powerful ones had all the bones in their bodies broken by the terrifying pressure, and they were still alive. They were eroded by the energy of chaos, their skin festered, their blood evaporated, and their flesh and blood melted away!
His face was distorted, his mouth was wide open, and his face was ferocious. Although he couldn’t hear the sound, Kui Gang seemed to hear it.
/Such scenes made him panic and overwhelmed him.
The Immortal Palace he was in was also twisting and collapsing. Kuigang wanted to rescue another Dao Alliance disciple, but saw the Immortal Palace collapse, pressing the man underneath, and then the sea of ??chaos poured in, swallowing him up.
Kui Gang felt sad and looked towards the back of the Immortal Palace. He saw that the Immortal Palaces, ships and magic weapons behind them were also twisting, collapsing and folding. One by one, the disciples of the Dao Alliance exploded and were annihilated.
There was no scream from them in the sea of ??chaos, and every scene was extremely silent. Only the noise of the avenue that filled the entire sea of ??chaos sounded in Kui Gang’s ears.
“Many people died, many people died”
His pupils bulged, he lost all strength, and he slid down against the balled up Immortal Palace.
In the Sea of ??Chaos, there are some powerful beings like him still alive, b

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