is tightly tied to the rock by a rope. Although it can fly, it cannot fly. It can’t fly high or far, and can only flutter more than two meters away from the rocks.


The wild boar that was driven into this huge trap and the red-maned magpie squatting on the rock were all in peace. The wild boar had no idea that the disaster was coming.
/The scouts were responsible for driving away the wild boars. After completing their mission, the scouts fled quickly.
The moment the scout escaped from the bush, five dark red fire clouds pressed down on the dense bush.
That was the Burning Cloud, a rather advanced form of fire magic. Each burning cloud is several acres in size, and five burning clouds almost cover the entire valley.
The temperature of the burning cloud was extremely high, and the incendiary agent that was originally poured on the shrubs was immediately ignited. With a dazzling yellow light shining, the incendiary agent exploded violently.
They are the product of a century after the invention of gunpowder. Although they do not burn as fast as gunpowder, their burning temperature is much higher than that of gunpowder. Even steel can be easily melted into molten iron by them.
Almost in an instant, everything in the bush was reduced to ashes. Because it burned so fast, all the ashes actually remained as they were.
The first ones to collapse were the shrubs, which turned into ashes and collapsed neatly.
Although all the wild boars were not burned to ashes, they were burned to death in an instant by the fierce fire. The gray-black wild boar carcasses fell to the ground.
Only one wild boar was burned beyond recognition, but it was still struggling there. Unfortunately, it was in a hot hell-like place at the moment. Even without the incendiary agents, the burning cloud used to ignite the fire was enough to kill it. .
The temperature of the burning cloud is over one thousand degrees, which is enough to soften steel. As for the burning agents, the instantaneous high temperature is around three thousand degrees, which can instantly burn steel.
The wild boar was able to persist until now because the large amount of negative energy in its body temporarily withstood the high temperature of the flames. But the result is only a dead end.
Even if it was just a pig, he knew that there would be no way to survive if he continued like this, so after a while of trembling, the wild boar’s body suddenly split open, and from the split body, worm-like things jumped out like lightning. come out.
/As soon as the parasite escaped, it immediately regained its unique abilities. In an instant, it discovered the only parasitic creature in the sea of ????fire – the bird flapping on the rock.
This parasite is obviously not as afraid of fire as ordinary creatures, but that refers to ordinary flames.
The burning cloud is definitely not comparable to ordinary flames. In just a few seconds, the negative energy used by the parasite to block the flames is consumed. The negative energy originally shrouded it like a cover, but now only A few fain

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