in his previous life, but he caught up with such a lucky thing as time travel.


If possible, Li Mu would rather go back and continue 996. Whoever wants to travel through time travel, come on!
Frankly speaking, although this background is not rich and powerful, it is something that I could not achieve in my previous life. If you take this as a starting point and work hard, you won’t have to worry about not having a wonderful life.
But I can’t stand that this world is not normal!
Although the political structure is somewhat similar to that of medieval Europe, it is only superficial.
Occupations and races that only exist in games and novels are now real and present in front of our eyes, which means that this world is destined to not be peaceful.
/Accustomed to the peace of modern society, we are suddenly thrown into a troubled world where “the weak eat the strong”, and no one can adapt to it.
Because he was afraid of pain, Li Mu did not have the courage to try to commit suicide. After struggling in the hospital bed all night, he reluctantly accepted the fact that he had become “Hudson Koslow”.
Set a small goal first – to survive.
In a world where religion is rampant and mixed with mythology, any abnormal behavior may lead to death.
In order not to get on the grill, Hudson’s identity must be maintained. Everything else is easy to handle, but behavior and habits are not so easy to imitate.
Thinking of this, Hudson didn’t know whether to be grateful or resentful of the cheap brother who was still hung on the pole.
If that unlucky guy Tiehanhan hadn’t secretly exchanged the original owner’s life liquid, he probably wouldn’t have been able to occupy the magpie’s nest, and he might have escaped during this time travel.
It was also thanks to this accident that it provided him with the perfect excuse. After experiencing the great stimulation of life and death crisis, it makes sense that behavioral habits have changed.
After sorting out the messy memories in his mind, Hudson had a preliminary understanding of his situation.
It is the same at all times and in all countries. When you meet your stepmother, you can imagine that Hudson’s situation will not be too good, otherwise there will not be such a bad thing as the naughty child stealing the life essence.
/The only good thing is that the current Baroness is not from a high background and is the daughter of a businessman. Although she is wealthy, she does not have much political confidence.
In this marriage of power and money transactions, Baron Redman undoubtedly occupies a dominant position. The fact that the Hudson brothers were able to grow up safely is the best proof.
Thanks to the perfect inheritance law, there is definitely no fight for the title. No matter how powerful the Baroness’s pillow style is, it is impossible for Baron Redman to abolish his elders and establish his younger ones.
There is no hope for the title, but resources are up for grabs. In this world where the jungle prevails, money does not mean everything. Precious cultivation resources an

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