

Fatty interjected and asked.
“I don’t know if there are any, and I haven’t seen them anyway. But the underworld has laws just like the human world. If you can find evidence to prove that these ghosts were killed by Mo Yang, then your wanted list will naturally be solved. But people You can still summon the soul to confront you after death, but the soul of the ghost does not remain after death. It is up to you how to investigate this case. This method is called death without evidence, haha! ”
Only Black Skeleton can laugh at this time, I will definitely not. Unexpectedly, this business became a terrible reminder.
/The rest of the journey became more and more difficult, and as we got closer to the black mountains on the distant horizon day by day, the number of attacks also continued to increase.
There are most things in the underworld, of course ghosts. This group of grandchildren is endless, but the few of us have limited energy and are very tired from dealing with all kinds of attacks.
“Xiaoshan, we can’t go on like this. We have to find a way to hide quickly. The number and frequency of attacks are too fast. I feel that it may be because our whereabouts were leaked and the route was figured out by others. So the people who besieged us narrowed the circle. We have to find a way out of this encirclement before we can settle down safely.”
I eagerly wanted to step forward to check, but as soon as I moved, I realized something was wrong, because the black skeleton behind me was looking at me with a playful look.
The fat man wiped the sweat from his head and said.
I frowned. In fact, I don’t need to tell the fat man that I know it very well. Judging from the current situation. Including the Yizha Ghost King, the underworld ghost messengers and the pursuing colleagues should all be colluding with each other and constantly determining our route. Every battle is equivalent to exposing our whereabouts. If this continues, we will reach the black mountain. The results are not necessarily safe either.
“I’m going to discuss it with Black Skeleton.”
I was about to leave when Luo Qiong shouted to me from the side: “Brother Shan, we still have the last three pots of water and three or four steamed buns, and we have to find a way to get supplies. ”
There are a lot of worries. I really don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are when I’m not a householder.
“Hey, are you sure that black mountain is safe? Our current situation is not good.”
I shouted to the black skull.
/“I am confident at this point that as long as we reach that mountain, the hiding spot will be absolutely safe. It does not mean that it will not be exposed, but this hiding spot is protected by an absolutely safe barrier. But judging from the current situation, they should know Our destination is likely to have a lot of people gathered in front of the black mountain.”
Black Skull’s words are even more terrifying when you think about it carefully. If you arrive in front of the black mountain, you will see an army of thousands of

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