

Mr. Sha turned back to look at Deputy Director Xia and said, “Xiao Xia, the winner will be decided now.”
/Deputy Director Xia looked unwilling, but Zhaoqu had already lost, and he slammed the table He shouted: “You are lucky this time, isn’t it just ten years? I’ll wait for ten years. After ten years, I’ll see if you can turn around. Let’s go!”
In the barracks hospital, the quilt was full of the smell of disinfectant. I opened my eyes and looked up to see a doctor in a white coat standing next to me. I opened my mouth and said in a hoarse voice: “How long have I been sleeping?”
“Oh, I’m awake. I haven’t slept for long, more than a day.” “I’m going to get the equipment and do some more checks.” After that, he walked out. I rubbed my eyes. My arm was sore and I felt a pulling pain when I moved it even slightly.
It should be that the effect of the finger wrench has ended and I am tired and injured. It took me so long to rest, and I felt so exhausted that I didn’t even have the strength to speak. I can still clearly remember the scenes on the Longkou stage. The final trump card allowed me to defeat an opponent that was impossible to beat. Looking back now, I still find it unbelievable. I might have given up on my own life and death at that moment when I fought desperately.
After a while, Situ and others walked in together with the doctor. After a preliminary examination, the doctor felt that I was fine and said that I would stay in the hospital for observation for a few more days. You can leave the hospital after you are sure everything is fine.
After the doctor left, Situ said with a smile: “You are really lucky and very capable. None of us expected to win against Zhaoqu this time.”
“Where are Fatty and the others?” I asked strangely.
/“This is a barracks hospital. What Mr. Sha means is not to let outsiders disturb your rest. I am responsible for the treatment, so I can stay. You can rest in peace and recover. I will send a car to take you back after you are discharged from the hospital in a few days.” He stood up as he spoke. It seemed that he didn’t want to talk too much to me, “By the way, I still want to congratulate you, you did a great job this time.”
After saying that, he walked out of the ward. I was the only one in the huge ward, and it seemed very quiet at the moment. I wanted to turn over, but it hurt when I turned my body slightly. I had obviously fought a victorious battle, but I didn’t feel half happy. There were still too many questions lingering in my mind.
Seven days later, the doctor informed me that I could be discharged from the hospital, but the person who came to pick me up was neither Situ nor Fatty. Instead, a Hongqi sedan parked outside the door. I was already quite familiar with these two Hongqi cars. I saw the license plate number at a glance and it seemed that the person sitting in the car was Sha Lao.
The lathe rolled down, and sure enough, the face of Sha Lao was revealed, and he waved to me. Carrying the bag and walking over, he opened the car door and motioned fo

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