, then risked his life to save her, and then “acted on the spot” in Xiaolong Palace. In addition, in order to prevent Yin Kuang from escaping, she used magic to monitor Yin Kuang and pay attention to Yin Kuang’s every move. Instead, the Fourth Princess Long gradually developed a different kind of emotion towards Yin Kuang. People, especially women, become unreasonable once they become obsessed with something. This was the scene where the Fourth Princess Long was nervous about Yin Kuang, but was dismissive of the Fourth Prince Long.


, then risked his life to save her, and then “acted on the spot” in Xiaolong Palace. In addition, in order to prevent Yin Kuang from escaping, she used magic to monitor Yin Kuang and pay attention to Yin Kuang’s every move. Instead, the Fourth Princess Long gradually developed a different kind of emotion towards Yin Kuang. People, especially women, become unreasonable once they become obsessed with something. This was the scene where the Fourth Princess Long was nervous about Yin Kuang, but was dismissive of the Fourth Prince Long.
However, after the death of the Fourth Prince Long, the Fourth Princess Long suddenly calmed down. The Fourth Young Master Long’s thousand-year sense of existence suddenly disappeared, and the Fourth Princess Long felt as if something extremely important in her life had been lost. The feeling of heartache surged into my heart like a tide.
Sun Wukong smiled and asked: “The day is almost gone, how can you spend one day with me? Don’t you want him to come back to life? Just wait for a moment, and he will open his eyes. Could it be that you regret it? ? That’s interesting. The two most important men in your life, one brother and one husband, both died because of him. When he comes back to life, are you going to throw yourself into his arms and act coquettishly, or are you going to kill him with one shot? Will he avenge your husband and brother?”
“Ah!” The Fourth Princess Long couldn’t bear Sun Wukong’s stimulation, she let out a shrill and sharp scolding, grabbed the silver gun, and shot Sun Wukong with one shot.
/“I kill you!!”
However, Sun Wukong suddenly jumped up, and the Fourth Princess Long’s angry shot missed. Instead, her feet stumbled and she fell to the ground. Sun Wukong somersaulted in the air, laughed loudly, and landed on an open flat ground. He said: “It’s time for you to take action again. Use whatever means you have on me, Old Sun. Otherwise, there will be no chance of death again.” Here’s a chance.”
/Lu Xialeng, Zeng Fei, Pan Longtao, and Wang Ning all looked desperate, but no one took action. Even a blind man could see that there was no way they could defeat Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong is just playing tricks on them and making fun of them. Qian Qianqian fainted due to the stimulation of Yin Kuang’s death, and was left behind by Lu Xia. Chen Xuanzang was held down tightly by Sha Wujing, unable to move, and could only cry out in despair, helplessness and grief. Young Master Kong was lying on the ground with his back stretched out, his face full of bitterness. After the Fourth Princess Long fell to the ground, she seemed to have been overly stimulated by Sun Wukong, and she fell into deep sorrow and cried. As for Yin Kuang, he was lying calmly on the ground, and the “Long Yuan Dan” seemed to have not yet taken effect.
No one in the audience made a move!
Sun Wukong looked left and right, and said: “Why don’t you take action? That’s so boring. Hey, if you don’t take action again, I will be rude. Don’t blame me for not giving. Let me give you a chance.”
As soon as Sun W

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